Sunday, 6 June 2010

Jo's knitting badges

I saw these on Woolly Wormhead's blog and I thought it would be a good bit of fun for myself and the girls to show off which badges we've earned and explain why... In no particular order, I will start off

OK, so I've not had a pattern published in Vogue, but I was mentioned in the Spring/Summer one as Knit Camp is this summer's hot ticket, and Knit Camp is referenced in the current issue too. Good enough, me thinks, for me to earn this badge.

Talking about knitting badge. I've got a yarn shop and tell everyone who comes in about Ravelry. Nuff said.

My first cardigan/jacket pattern almost killed me, mathematically. I had to use the Pythagoras Theorum again to grade the front part of the cardigan. I think that earns me the badge.

I've had repetitive strain injury (and an operation) on my left hand thanks to knitting. It still bothers me, which is why I felt with my feet!

Lace knitting. Another enough said!

Used a chopstick as a cable needle for one of my patterns.

Anyone who knows me will know how well I knit when I've had a few glasses of wine.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Knitting with the kids

The Shipston on Stour Wool Festival

Some of the Birmingham knitterati fondling my hand-dyed...

A local resident having a play with my beautiful Kromski Sonata...

Our friends Pam and Tom, with their daughter in law Ann (wearing her latest beautiful creation)

The local bellydancing troupe (not really what I was expecting!)

and me having a fantastic time spinning some absolutely delicious Leicester Longwool, which had come off the sheep about 20 minutes before I started spinning it.
We had a fantastic day. Kate and I consumed too much alcohol (the local cider is ridiculously potent!), we met some fantastic people and we saw a lot of our lovely "cussies" too. I had a lot more photos on my phone too, some of them being quite funny, but they seem to have mysteriously disappeared from my phone at dinner...